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5-Minute Warm-Up Before A Run For Better Performance

  • Cardio

Several studies have shown that a good warm-up improves running performance. This is because a good warm-up ensures that your whole body is ready for the exertion to come. This makes people who don’t warm up before running tired faster than people who do.

Once you understand that a warm-up is essential for running, it is then important to put together a proper warm-up.

So let’s take a closer look at the benefits of a warm-up before running and then we’ll share 10 exercises that make up the perfect warm-up.

Table of Contents

people doing a warm-up

The benefits of a warm-up

In this section, we will discuss 4 benefits of doing a warm-up.

  1. Your body temperature goes up : Many people have a negative feeling about having a higher body temperature, because they immediately think of a fever. While running, however, a higher body temperature is very essential. Your body will work more efficiently through various processes.
  1. Your muscle performance will improve : This is in principle an indirect consequence of benefit number 1. The higher temperature means that more energy is released for the muscles. This means that the muscles can continue to work harder and for a longer time.
  1. You get better stamina : A good dynamic warm-up will ensure that you can last longer during a running session. The warm-up ensures an increased blood flow to the muscles. This way, more oxygen is available and you can use your aerobic energy system for longer.
  1. You are less likely to get injured : A warm-up will ensure that the joints become more flexible. In addition, it will lead to an increased reaction time. These factors can both lower the risk of injury.

The warm-up (consisting of 10 exercises)

We now discuss the exercises that are part of the warm-up.

You are supposed to perform each exercise for about 30 seconds.

Exercise 1 : Spread leg stretch

Instructions: Stand with your legs spread. Now alternately tap your feet and the ground between your feet. Tapping briefly is enough, try to move quickly from place to place to make the exercise dynamic.

Exercise 2 : Windmill stretch

Instructions: First stand with your legs spread. Then you alternately tap your right foot with your left hand and your left foot with your right hand. Keep your arms straight as much as possible during the exercise. In addition, you raise the arm that is not on its way to your foot.

Exercise 3 : Arm swing stretch

Instructions: This exercise is pretty self-explanatory. You may be wondering why this exercise is relevant to running. While running, you must take your arms well with you in the movement, your shoulders are very important for that.

Exercise 4 : Inner thigh stretch

Instructions: This is a stretching exercise that a lot of people are familiar with. The most important thing is that you bend until you feel the stretch on the inside of your thigh.

Exercise 5 : Alternate lunges

Instructions: This is an exercise that is also common in strength training. And that is certainly not without reason, this is a fantastic exercise. During the exercise, you step forward with one leg. Make sure your knee doesn’t touch the floor.

Exercise 6 : Walking hamstring stretch

Instructions: While taking small steps, you stretch your hamstrings by moving your hands towards your feet. You don’t have to touch your feet.

Exercise 7 : Walking glute stretch

Instructions: As you walk, pull your foot toward your waist with each step. You do this by moving your lower leg at a horizontal angle.

Exercise 8 : Tripling

Instructions: During this exercise, you take small steps. You always start high on your toes and then alternate this per foot. Make sure you move your feet in one smooth motion.

Exercise 9 : High knee walk

Instructions: With each step, you make a 90-degree angle between your upper body and thigh. Hold this position briefly. At the same time, stand on your toes with your leg that is on the ground.

Exercise 10 : Straight leg run

Instructions: This exercise also speaks for itself. During the exercise, you run with straight legs. Make sure you move your arms too.

1 thought on “5-Minute Warm-Up Before A Run For Better Performance”

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