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68 Side Effects Of Multivitamins – Important Before You Take It

Multivitamins; a very popular supplement currently. It sounds harmless, but multivitamins have several side effects that are important to read before taking them. From this, you can decide for yourself whether you think it is worth taking.

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When is it useful to take multivitamins?

First of all, it is good to know that it is generally better to get your vitamins and minerals from your daily diet. So try to achieve getting enough vitamins and minerals with a healthy diet in the first place.

On the other hand, you may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals for whatever reason. In this situation, multivitamins offer a good solution, because vitamins and minerals are essential for your body. If you use multivitamins as a supplement to your daily diet, make sure to adjust how much you need to meet the recommended daily amount.

Overview of the side effects of multivitamins

In a good dose, taking multivitamins will generally not lead to side effects. This is because the vitamins and minerals that occur in the multivitamins are also present in our normal diet. An exception applies to various diseases.

An overdose of vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, can lead to unpleasant side effects. We present these below in an overview (source: Maneth ~ Link).

Vitamin & mineralConsequences of an overdoseMaximum amount per day
Vitamin A– Headache
– Nausea
– Dizziness
– Fatigue
– Abnormalities of eyes, skin, and bones
– Liver damage
– Osteoporosis
680 micrograms
Vitamin B3– Blood vessel dilation
– Liver damage
– Damage to eyes
10 milligrams
Vitamin B5– Intestinal disorders
– Diarrhea
5 milligrams
Vitamin B6– Decrease or loss of control over body movements
– Tingling and numbness in hands, legs, and feet
– Severe nerve pain in hands, legs, and feet
– Nerve pain in other parts of the body
1,5 milligrams
Vitamin B11– A combination with vitamin B12 can lead to allergic reactions300 micrograms
Vitamin B12– A combination with vitamin B11 can lead to allergic reactions
– Kidney problems
2,5 micrograms
Vitamin C– Diarrhea
– Organ damage (rare)
80 milligrams
Vitamin D– Nausea and vomiting
– Abdominal pain and constipation
– Very thirsty, drinking a lot, and peeing a lot
– Irritability, confusion, or sadness
– Drowsiness
– Cardiac arrhythmias
– Bone pains
10 micrograms
Vitamin E– Increased bleeding tendency
– Delayed wound healing
10 milligrams
Vitamin K– Anemia
– Jaundice
– Thrombosis (in people who suffer from increased blood clotting)
75 micrograms
Chrome– Muscle breakdown (presumably)
– Kidney failure (presumably)
– Disturbed mind (presumably)
25 micrograms
Iron– Liver damage14 milligrams
Iodine– Thyroid enlargement and/or overstimulation of the thyroid gland
– Diarrhea
– Weight loss
– Palpitations
– Nervousness
150 micrograms
Magnesium– Impaired renal function, renal failure
– Thyroid problems
– Gastrointestinal complaints
– Low blood pressure
– Respiratory distress
– Fatigue
– Confusion
– Cardiac arrhythmias, slow heart rate, and heart failure
250 milligrams
Manganese– Hallucinations, forgetfulness, and/or psychological complaints
– Motor complaints
2 milligrams
Molybdenum– Pain in joints
– Liver enlargement
– Anemia
– Osteoporosis
– Lighter skin
50 micrograms
Selenium– Loss of hair, nails, and teeth
– Skin damage
– Disorders of the nervous system
55 micrograms
Silicon– Breakdown of red blood cells0 micrograms
Taurine– Cardiac arrhythmias
– Cramps
– Kidney failure
– Sudden death
0 micrograms
Zinc– Anemia
– Osteoporosis
– Lighter skin
7 milligrams

Further explanation of side effects of multivitamins

First of all, we would like to indicate that an excess of vitamin B6 is the most dangerous. So pay close attention to the amounts of this on the packaging of the multivitamin you are taking! An overdose of vitamin B6 manifests itself in problems with the nervous system. This gives neuropathic problems as indicated in the table. This damage can be irreparable in some cases.

In addition, it also happens sometimes that side effects occur with a normal dose. This is because artificially manufactured vitamins can in some cases behave very differently in the body from normal vitamins. That is why it is advisable to simply get the vitamins from your diet! These manufactured vitamins can lead to a disturbed metabolism and a disturbed hormone balance in your body.

woman suffering headache

Can you take multivitamins every day?

Yes, you can! It is important that you look at the quantity of vitamins that you already get with your diet and that you possibly supplement this with a multivitamin if you do not get enough. Perhaps half a vitamin pill is best for you, this completely depends on your situation. Below are recommended daily amounts of all the vitamins.

  • Vitamin A : 800 micrograms for men & 680 micrograms for women
  • Vitamin B1 : 0,1 milligrams/megajoule for men & 0,1 milligrams/megajoule for women (this recommended amount depends on your daily intake of energy through your diet)
  • Vitamin B2 : 1,6 milligrams for men & 1,6 milligrams for women
  • Vitamin B3 : 1,6 milligrams/megajoule for men & 1,6 milligrams/megajoule for women (this recommended amount depends on your daily intake of energy through your diet)
  • Vitamin B5 : ~5 milligrams for men & ~5 milligrams for women
  • Vitamin B6 : 1,5 milligrams for men & 1,5 milligrams for women
  • Vitamin B8 : ~40 micrograms for men & ~40 micrograms for women
  • Vitamin B11 : 300 micrograms for men & 300 micrograms for women
  • Vitamin B12 : 2,8 micrograms for men & 2,8 micrograms for women
  • Vitamin C : 75 milligrams for men & 75 milligrams for women
  • Vitamin D : 10 micrograms for men & 10 micrograms for women
  • Vitamin E : ~13 milligrams for men & ~11 milligrams for women
  • Vitamin K : 70 micrograms for men & 70 micrograms for women

Source: Voedingscentrum ~ Link

Do multivitamins have a positive effect on your health?

Getting enough vitamins has a positive effect on your health, taking multivitamins is not necessarily. If you get enough of all vitamins from your diet, multivitamins will not have a positive effect on your health, if you take too much you can even get very nasty symptoms.

The best advice is therefore to see if you are getting enough through your diet, and if not, you can supplement this with a multivitamin. Know that vitamins are essential for your body. In the absence of sufficient vitamins, your body is unable to stay healthy and grow.