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How You Can Be Running 5K Easily In Just 1 Month

  • Cardio

The 5K run; a very well-known distance among most people. This is because it is a nice goal to work towards and is suitable for both advanced runners and beginners.

For example, beginners can set a goal to complete the 5K without walking along the way and advanced runners can set a specific time in which they want to complete the 5K.

In addition, the 5K is also a distance in which you will quickly see results if you train well for a few weeks. Today we will teach you exactly how to do this!

Table of Contents

person running

First steps towards the 5K

First of all, we would like to say that the schedule we are going to share below is not suitable for people who have no experience with running yet. Then the schedule is simply too heavy and you run the risk of injuries.

Do you have no experience with running yet? No problem! Try it out for a few weeks and see if you like it and want to continue. Don’t expect to run 5K the first time with ease, start slow and build it up.

Make sure you give running a chance, so don’t go for a run once and then say it’s not for you. Stick with it for a few weeks and run 2-3 times in those weeks. After that period, reflect on how it went and if you feel better than before you started.

Do you already have some experience with running or have you tried it out in recent weeks and would you like to build it up? Then read on, we will now give you the schedule with which you can work towards the 5K.

The training program for the 5K

Before we share the schedule, we first want to clarify why it is important to use a schedule and not try the 5K right away. It is best for your body to slowly build up towards the 5K. If you try the 5K in 1 time without training, you run a huge risk of injuries, and you will not gain anything with this.

So, even though everyone would prefer to run that 5K in one go, it is strongly recommended to follow the training program properly. This is listed below, we explain several terms in more detail.

In this schedule, you train 3 times a week. You can decide on which days you do this, just make sure that you always have a rest day the day after the training.

Training 1Training 2Training 3
Week 1 2 min running followed by 1 min easy pace (repeat 8x)4 min running followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 5x)6 min running followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 4x)
Week 26 min running followed by 1 min easy pace (repeat 5x)10 min endurance run followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 2x)8 min running followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 3x)
Week 318 min endurance run followed by 4 min easy pace (repeat 1x)12 min running followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 2x)25 min endurance run followed by 4 min easy pace (repeat 1x)
Week 415 min running followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 2x)30 min endurance run followed by 2 min easy pace (repeat 1x)5km endurance run!

Explanation of the terms used:

  • Easy pace : A speed at which you can no longer walk, but have to run. It is still possible to talk at this speed.
  • Running : This is a brisk running pace, it is no longer possible to talk at this speed.
  • Endurance run : At this speed you give everything you have, this is the pace as if you were entering a competition.
person running

In what time can you run the 5K?

The time it will take you to complete the 5 km is of course completely dependent on your experience within running. So don’t expect when you just start that you will immediately set very fast times.

In general, a novice runner will take about 35-40 minutes to complete 5K and an experienced runner will complete 5K in half an hour.

What we especially want to tell you is this: don’t pay too much attention to time in the beginning. It can be very demotivating if, for example, it takes you 43 minutes to complete the 5K. Focus on the progress you make over time. Because if you keep training properly, you will definitely get better!

Tips to run the 5K faster

  1. A good warm-up : Research has shown that a good warm-up increases performance. Click here to gain insight into a good warm-up that can be performed in 5 minutes.
  2. A good training program : A schedule that is well built up to the 5K is extremely important. Lucky for you, we just gave you 1!
  3. Improve your running technique : Your running technique is a multidimensional skill; there are many different aspects to it. A tip that is easy to apply in practice is this: Try to make smaller strides and to take your arms less with you at a long distance compared to a shorter distance.
  4. Apply strength training : Because the 5K is not a very long distance, power plays an important role in this. Try to combine your running training with strength training. During the strength training, focus mainly on training your leg muscles.
  5. Eat a good meal beforehand : During the 5K it is important that your body has enough ‘fuel’ available. Therefore, eat a carbohydrate-rich meal beforehand, carbohydrates will provide this energy. Click here to get examples of what you could eat ahead of time.