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20 Quotes On Swimming That Will Motivate You Into Action

  • Cardio

Everyone needs it sometimes; some extra motivation and inspiration. Reading quotes can accomplish this. That’s why we’ll list the 20 best quotes!

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What’s the point of reading swimming quotes?

Reading quotes can be very motivating. And a motivated feeling is nice, but in itself, it’s not much use to you. It is important that you take action based on this motivation! What this action is, of course, depends on your personal situation. In this particular case, it will be swimming for most people. Maybe you want to set a new personal best at a certain distance or you just want to swim regularly for your fitness. Go for it!

In addition, quotes allow you to see things from a different perspective. The person who wrote the quote may look at a specific topic with a completely different view than you. Such a different view offers learning opportunities.

What can you say to motivate a swimmer (10 quotes)

Are you a swimmer yourself or do you want to encourage a swimmer you know to perform better? Everyone could use some extra motivation! We share 10 quotes that are super motivating for swimmers.

1. “You are tougher than you think. Faster than you know. Better than you will ever realize.”

2. “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.”

3. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

4. “If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren’t willing to do.”

5. “Swimming is not about perfection. It is all about persistence.”

6. “Leadership, like swimming, cannot be learned by reading about it.”

7. “If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it. Keep swimming.”

8. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. Swim harder.”

9. “Winners don’t take a day off.”

10. “You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great.”


10 inspirational swimming quotes

Now that we’ve discussed 10 quotes that are hugely motivating, let’s continue with 10 inspiring quotes. These are quotes to inspire you to start swimming, for example.

11. “You’re only one swim away from a good mood.”

12. “Home is where the pool is.”

13. “When your body gets tired swim with your heart.”

14. “If you think your sport is hard, try doing it while holding your breath.”

15. “Chlorine is my perfume.”

16. “Swim hard, dream big.”

17. “Life is like swimming: sometimes you hit the wall and sometimes you make the right turn.”

18. “Swim now, breath later.”

19. “It doesn’t matter your age, gender, race, religion, political belief, or background: the water treats you the same.”

20. “I love swimming, because when I’m in the water nothing can catch up with me, not even my troubles.”

How do you make swimming fun?

If you want to go swimming a lot, it is of course very important that you enjoy it! That’s why we share some tips to make swimming more fun.

  1. Provide variety : Hardly anyone will like doing the same thing for hours on end. Make a schedule in which you vary both the distances and the way of swimming.
  1. Challenge yourself : Keeping track of your times will motivate you to do your best. In addition, if you break your personal record you will get a big feeling of euphoria!
  1. Listen to music : Music is another way to make swimming more fun. It works best to create your own playlist. In addition, make sure that you use equipment that is waterproof!
  1. Do it together : Swimming together every now and then is of course a lot of fun! Do you know nobody in your area who likes swimming? Then try to find a swimming group that you can swim with.
  1. Train regularly : If you swim very little it will really shock your body every time, which will probably be accompanied by a lot of muscle soreness. If, on the other hand, you swim regularly, you will get used to the training stimuli and you will get better and better.