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Count Macros To Track Your Nutrition! Step-By-Step Guide

Counting macros; many people who think of this immediately get an image in their head of bodybuilders who keep track of exactly what they eat and do not consume a gram of fat too much.

In reality this is not true at all. Many different people count macros to gain insight into their nutrition.

A question many people have is why should I count macros?

We will come back to this in detail in this article, but we will start with the basics with what macros are.

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What are macros?

The term macros is an abbreviation, it stands for macronutrients. Macronutrients provide energy and/or calories to your body.

There are 3 macronutrients:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats
  • Protein

Macro stands for large, why is it called that?

This means that your body needs these nutrients in large quantities.

These 3 macronutrients all have a different function in your body, so it is important to get them all sufficiently in a good ratio.

This ratio depends, among other things, on your level of activity. We will come back to this ratio later.

Why should I count macros?

The main advantage of counting macros is that you gain much more insight into your nutrition.

With this knowledge you can of course do what you want.

Some people automatically start eating healthier because of this insight. But you can also build an entire nutrition plan for yourself, for example.

By counting macros you can of course also see very precisely whether you may have a shortage of 1 of the 3 macronutrients.

How can I count macros?

Now that you understand why it makes sense to count macros, you’re probably wondering how to count macros.

The good thing is that manufacturers are legally obliged to state the macros on the packaging of food products.

So you can always keep track of the macros you get.

Of course this takes a lot of time and the question is whether you are willing to pay for it.

Isn’t there an easier solution besides counting manually?

There is for sure!

There are a lot of apps for your phone that can make this process easier.

In these apps you can generally indicate what you have eaten and then the app will automatically generate the macros.

Now you may be thinking, what is the best macro counting app?

We could name an app, but then we’d be lying. It completely depends on your own taste, all the apps are slightly different.

If you search for ‘macros’ in the app downloader application, you will find tons of apps. Find out for yourself which one you like best!

counting macros manually

What is the best ratio of macros?

The ratio in which you need macronutrients mainly depends on the type of sport you practice.

For example, an endurance athlete will need more carbohydrates for extra energy and a strength athlete will need more proteins for muscle recovery.

Below we give an indication for the ratio of macros for different types of athletes and non-athletes.

  1. Strength athlete or as a goal to build muscle mass:
  • Protein: 25%
  • Carbohydrates: 50%
  • Fats: 25%
  1. Endurance athlete:
  • Protein: 20%
  • Carbohydrates: 60%
  • Fats: 20%
  1. Non-athlete or with a goal to lose weight:
  • Protein: 20-25%
  • Carbohydrates: 40-55%
  • Fats: 20-35%

Improve your nutrition by counting macros

We will now discuss a number of steps with which you can improve your nutrition by using counting macros.

  1. Counting your macros:

The first step makes sense, counting the macros you get with your nutrition. Don’t change your diet in this step, but make sure you gain insight into what you eat.

  1. Make a plan:

It is very important to make a plan for your nutrition. See for example which ratio of macros applies to you. Then see what kind of food you can achieve this ratio with.

  1. Execute your plan:

The hardest step is to execute your plan and stick with it. If you have to change your nutrition significantly with your new plan, it will be quite difficult at the beginning. Know that it only gets easier when it eventually becomes a habit.

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