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Kayaking vs Canoeing – Is There A Difference?

  • Cardio

This is a question often asked by novice canoeists, kayakers or people who want to start with one of the two. The goal is of course to make the right choice between canoeing and kayaking.

Some people claim there is no difference, however there are various differences. In this article we will clarify this ambiguity surrounding the difference.

Table of Contents

Vessel & Paddles

First we discuss the difference between the vessels. A canoe is completely open at the top, whereas a kayak has an almost watertight top.

In addition, there is another important difference in paddles. During canoeing, a paddle with a single blade is generally used. While during kayaking on the other hand, a double blade paddle is used. The paddling technique is therefore very different between canoeing and kayaking. In the pictures below you can see an example of canoeing vs kayaking.

The sitting position

There is also a difference in positioning in the vessel. In a canoe you generally sit on a raised seat and in a kayak the seat is mounted on the bottom. In the photos above you can see that you usually sit a lot higher when canoeing than when kayaking.

In the canoe a distinction is also made between 2 variants of canoeing. With one variant you sit upright and with the other variant you have a kneeling position.

The best choice for you

Now the most tricky step has arrived; making the choice between canoeing and kayaking. The most important thing is to try out both canoeing and kayaking.

Both have their pros and cons, it’s really a matter of taste which one you like the most. In this case there is no good and bad, both are wonderful ways to enjoy the environment in a sporty way. We wish you lots of fun with this and hope this article has helped you!