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8 Reasons Why You Should Make Running Your Hobby Today!

  • Cardio

Running is a very popular sport and for good reason! Running can greatly improve your fitness and health in general, and it also has many mental benefits.

Many people enjoy doing it. The question is whether running falls under a sport or a hobby (or both). We will now answer that question for you!

man running

Is running a hobby?

To find out if you can see running as a hobby, we first have to look at the definition of a hobby. Cambridge Dictionary gives the following meaning: “An activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working.”

From this definition, it becomes clear that you can certainly see running as a hobby! A requirement is that you do it for fun. For example, if you do it to improve your fitness but don’t get any pleasure out of it, you can’t see it as a hobby.

Over time, running gradually becomes a hobby for many people. People who have just started running often indicate that they do not like it; this is often because they are not yet able to continue running the entire route and they do not yet have a good pace.

People who run for longer often start to like it more and more because they get better at it. Running is also highly recommended as a hobby! It is very good for your health. Because this is the case, we will now teach you how to quickly turn running into a hobby!

Tips on how to turn running into a hobby

Especially if you are a beginner in running, it can be difficult to like running. However, it is essential that this happens, because you will then be much better able to keep doing it for a long time. That is why we now share several tips with you to make running more fun:

#1: Set goals. Goals can help you stay motivated. It is important that you keep track of your progress toward achieving these goals. If you feel that you are making progress, this will give you a very good feeling.

#2: Mix it up. A major culprit that can prevent running from becoming a hobby for you is boredom. You want to prevent boredom at all times! You can achieve this by regularly running a different route and trying different types of running. For example, one time you can maintain 1 pace, and the other time you can choose interval training.

#3: Find a running buddy. Running together can be a lot of fun. Try to find someone who has a similar level of physical fitness as yourself, otherwise, it will be very difficult to coordinate the pace. You could also possibly join a local running club or sign up for a running event.

#4: Invest in good gear. Nothing is more annoying than running shoes that cause sore feet and uncomfortable clothing. Therefore, I would advise you not to save on good running shoes and clothing. This will make running much more enjoyable.

#5: Listen to music. Listening to music can be wonderful while running. It can also improve your performance. If you are still looking for good songs or a total playlist, you can click here. In this article, you will find my favorite songs to listen to while running.

#6: Start simple. If you start too enthusiastically you will probably get huge muscle soreness and this is no fun. It works much better to start slowly and turn running into a habit. This will make you appreciate running more and more.

Reasons why running is the perfect hobby

#1: It improves your physical & mental health. Running has a lot of health benefits. For example, it can strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your fitness, and boost your immune system. In addition, running is also very good for your mental health. Running can reduce stress and endorphins are released during running which can improve your mood. This is also known as the ‘runner’s high’.

#2: It can be done anywhere. Wherever you are, you can always put on your running shoes and go for a run. Other hobbies often require a specific location. In addition, you can of course also choose when you go for a run.

#3: It is affordable. Running is a very cheap hobby. You just need to invest in a good pair of running shoes and sportswear. You don’t need anything like a subscription and you have no monthly costs.

#4: It can be a lifelong hobby. Running can be fun at any age, so it’s a great hobby. Even at an older age, it is often still possible to run at a low pace. So there is a good chance that you can keep doing it for almost the rest of your life.

#5: It can make you discover new places. By running you can sometimes discover very beautiful places that you would never have found otherwise. Think of beautiful places in nature. Running in a beautiful area can make it extra fun.