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How Many Avocados Should You Eat A Day To Lose Weight?

Avocados; everyone seems to love them these days. And this is certainly not without reason; avocados are very healthy! However, do they also contribute to weight loss?

Briefly, one study found 1 Hass avocado per day to make no difference in weight loss in individuals following a hypocaloric diet. However, it did change specific parameters of the blood involved in weight loss. Another study showed that eating half an avocado increases the feeling of satiety and reduces the urge to eat. That’s why we recommend eating half an avocado a day if weight loss is your goal. More than that is not recommended due to the many calories and fats that avocados contain.

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Can you lose weight eating avocado’s?

This is a question that is quite difficult to answer because weight loss depends on various factors. The most important aspect is burning more calories than you get through your diet; if this is the case you will lose weight. The question now is; can eating avocados contribute to this?

A study by Henning, S. M., and colleagues[1] did not show this. In this study there were 2 groups; both groups were fed a hypocaloric diet. The difference between the 2 groups was that one group ate 1 Hass avocado every day and the other group did not. The weight loss in both groups remained the same over a period of 12 weeks. In the group that ate an avocado every day, certain blood parameters were different that were associated with weight loss. This effect may be only visible after more than 12 weeks.

Another study[2] looked at the effect of eating half a Hass avocado on satiety. A feeling of satiety can indirectly lead to weight loss. As we said before; if you get fewer calories from your diet than you burn, you will lose weight. It was found that eating half a Hass avocado with lunch resulted in a 23% increase in satiety and a 28% decrease in desire to eat over a 5-hour period.

So in short, eating 1 Hass avocado per day in addition to a hypocaloric diet does not seem to have a direct effect on weight loss. However, it does affect certain parameters of the blood that can stimulate weight loss. In addition, eating half a Hass avocado with lunch was found to increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the desire for food. This can indirectly encourage weight loss.

How many avocado’s should you eat per day to lose maximum weight?

Okay, so now we know that avocados can help you lose weight. The big question now is, how much avocado should you eat per day to lose as much weight as possible?

Our advice is to eat half an avocado a day. This is in line with the research we just showed. Avocados may indirectly boost weight loss. Then you may now be wondering; why not eat more avocado if it promotes weight loss?

That has to do with the nutritional values of avocados. Avocados contain a lot of calories and a lot of fat. If you would eat a lot of it, you would nullify the positive effect because you would simply get a lot of calories and fats. So process it in your diet, but not too much!

Can you eat too many avocado’s?

We’ve covered this question in part in the previous section, but we’ll cover it in more detail here. So we have seen that avocado contains a lot of fats and many calories and that it is therefore not wise to eat more than half a day. But exactly how many calories and fat does it contain?

1 avocado contains about 358 kilocalories. For men, it is normal to consume about 2500 kilocalories in a day, for women this is about 2000 kilocalories. 1 avocado is therefore ~14% of the recommended daily amount of calories for men and ~18% for women.

Now let’s look at the fats. 1 avocado contains about 35.1 grams of fats (4 grams of which are saturated). It is normal for men to consume about 100 grams of fats per day, for women this is 80 grams. 1 avocado is therefore ~35% of the recommended amount of fats for men and ~44% for women.

I get it if these numbers startle you, I don’t think anyone would expect avocados to contain so many fats and calories. However, it is very good that you know now, so really stick to a maximum of half an avocado per day!

preparing avocado's

Do avocado’s help you lose belly fat?

We’ll get you out of the dream right away; it is almost impossible to lose belly fat specifically. You can only lose fat all over your body. Also by doing a lot of abdominal exercises, for example, not only belly fat will disappear.

So it’s all about losing fat overall. Avocados can certainly contribute to this as we have seen before, as long as you don’t take too much of them. We have previously seen from research that avocados give you a stronger feeling of satiety, which means you will generally eat less.

In addition, avocados contain a lot of fiber. Fiber improves intestinal function, allowing you to absorb more nutrients from your diet. The effect is that you will eat less, but still absorb more nutrients. This is a good way to lose fat all over the body (including belly fat). Want to learn more about fiber? Then click here.

What are the health benefits of avocado’s?

In addition to the potential weight loss, avocados also have other health benefits. We now list these.

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect : The oleic acid in avocados prevents inflammation. This is a positive effect, because inflammation can lead to many disorders, including neurological disorders, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Better cholesterol levels : Simply put, you can say that you have a ‘bad’ cholesterol in your body, which you call LDL. In addition, you also have ‘good’ cholesterol, which is HDL. Avocados lower your LDL and raise your HDL at the same time.
  3. Preserve eyesight : The macula is located on the retina of your eye, this is the place where the light rays from the objects you focus on fall. The macula can degenerate due to various reasons, resulting in reduced vision. Avocados can counteract this macular degeneration.
  4. Better functioning digestive tract & intestines : This improvement has to do with the fiber found in avocados. Do you want to learn more about this? Then click here.