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8 Tips to Make Running At Home More Fun – #7 Will Surprise You!

  • Cardio

Running at home can be very nice. Especially if the weather is bad outside, for example, it can be an ideal way to complete a running workout. However, many people who run at home indicate that it gets boring after a while. That is why in this article we will share with you 8 tips that can make running at home a lot more fun!

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running at home

How can you run at home?

The most well-known way to run at home is running on a treadmill. However, there are more methods. The first is running on the spot. You stay in the same place and quickly change support leg. Finally, it is possible to run around your house. However, I would not recommend this unless you have a lot of space for this. Usually, due to a lack of space, your walking pattern will deteriorate as a result.

Tip #1: Start slow

Many people start too intense at the beginning. This often leads to severe muscle pain or injuries. If you then continue, your performance can deteriorate sharply and the running sessions will not be pleasant either. To make running as fun as possible, it is best to start slowly and gradually increase the speed and/or distance.

Tip #2: Reward yourself

To keep running fun over a long period of time, it is important that you reward yourself after finishing your run or after several runs. This helps to create the feeling that you are working towards something. You must choose a suitable reward for yourself. For example, if you run to lose weight, it is not useful to reward yourself with a lot of unhealthy food. You can reward yourself with a day at the spa or another fun activity.

Tip #3: Make a plan and check off runs

Making a plan can help you keep your runs consistent. In addition to point 2, it is wise to check running sessions off your schedule. Checking the box can work as a reward in itself, it will give a positive feeling. Therefore, these simple actions can ensure that running becomes more fun, and also that you will easily keep it up.

Tip #4: Try to improve yourself

Trying to improve yourself can be extremely motivating. That’s why it’s always important to keep track of your progress. For example, you can progress by increasing the speed, increasing the distance, or completing the same run in a shorter amount of time.

Tip #5: Listen to music (or a podcast)

In general, listening to music or a podcast can make running much more enjoyable. After all, your mind is then no longer just occupied with, for example, your fatigue. If you are still looking for good songs & a good playlist to listen to while running, click here.

Tip #6: Alternate different running workouts

The same running workout every time will get very boring after a while. That is why it is wise to switch between different types of running training. For example, you can continuously run at the same pace in one workout and alternate high and low speeds in another workout. You can also vary in distance and speed.

Tip #7: Lower the threshold to get started

A simple way to start your runs more easily is to lower the threshold. This will sound a bit abstract to many people. It’s about making it as easy as possible to start running. For example, if you are going to run in the morning the next day, make sure you lay out your sports clothes and shoes the evening before. This simple action will make it easier to keep running consistently.

Tip #8: Hang out with people who run too

There is a famous quote that goes like this: “You become the average of the five people you hang out with.” I think there is a lot of truth behind this quote. You will automatically adopt certain things from the people you hang out with a lot. Therefore, hanging out with people who also run can help you immensely.