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14 Hard Workout Memes You Can Relate With

Everyone has the intention to train hard in the gym every time. Unfortunately, you will not deliver a top performance every time; you can’t peak every session.

Occasionally, on the other hand, you will have one of those days when it all goes well and you train crazy hard. Any gym rat will recognize the feeling of this.

In this article, I have collected some memes related to a hard session in the gym. Enjoy reading!

#1: Everything Hurts

When the workout is truly great, it doesn’t feel great afterward. It feels more like your whole body is going to fall apart.

#2: Do 2 More

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When you can only just complete your rep and the person you train with says you can do at least 2 more… ugh

#3: Lower Back Pain Incoming

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Heavy squatting isn’t ideal if you haven’t been to the gym in a while. Various components in your body will fail quickly.

#4: New Workout

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If someone looks like this when he or she has a new workout for you, it’s best to run away. You know that a very heavy workout is coming.

#5: Last Rep

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Am I the only one who feels this when I’m doing the last rep? The weight seems to get bigger and bigger and I seem to get smaller and smaller.

#6: Deadly Arm Day

No matter what you do with your arms, you will feel sore. At least you know that the workout was hard.

#7: Did You Die?

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As long as you survived the workout, you could have trained even harder. That’s the mindset of a winner… right?

#8: Day After Leg Day

The day after leg day is usually not a big party. You can hardly do anything with your legs and unfortunately, you use your legs quite often in daily life.

#9: Hate Consistency

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Starting a workout when your muscles are already feeling sore is absolutely no fun. Mentally it is often even harder than physically.

#10: It Is What It Is

It’s an unwritten rule that you should never let your gym buddy get off easy. Not your problem if he goes down.

#11: Crawling Works Best

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Crawling isn’t a bad option after a hard leg day. Although the people you encounter that day may be a little surprised by it.

#12: Worth It

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A hard workout is always worth it. If you don’t look like this meme with your gym buddy after a hard workout, you haven’t trained hard enough!

#13: Stairs Are Scary


Even walking down the stairs is impossible after leg day, let alone going up the stairs. It is better to put a mattress on the ground floor after a leg day.

#14: Everything Hurts


Muscle soreness often gives a satisfying feeling. Muscle soreness in all muscle groups, on the other hand, is not recommended.