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25 Funniest Gym Memes That Will Make You Laugh

  • Fitness

Sometimes it’s a good idea not to take fitness too seriously; to have a good laugh at the relatable things that every gym rat recognizes. That’s why we will share 25 memes that any fitness fanatic will relate to.

#1: That creepy look when people wait for you to finish

gym meme
Source: Origym

When you are doing an exercise and you see someone who clearly wants to use the same machine. Most try to keep an eye on you a little inconspicuously, but this is usually not a great success.

#2: Genes are just not fair sometimes

Source: officialgymmemes/Instagram

We all know someone like that. Someone who can just eat unhealthily and keep looking good, while you struggle with a healthy diet. It’s just not fair sometimes.

#3: Different results

Source: William Prescott

Different people get different results in the gym. Sometimes, however, those differences are so great that you wonder what went wrong.

#4: Why tracking macros doesn’t work

Source: Origym

Somehow you always get offered food when you’ve already calculated your macros. I get the feeling that people are just doing this on purpose; if I haven’t calculated my macros yet, I will never be offered anything.

#5: Excuses, excuses & excuses

Source: Be Well

We all know that one friend who comes up with the craziest excuses for why he or she can’t exercise. Injuries, fatigue, busy with work; all the excuses come by.

#6: Always take a quick look in the mirror

Source: IaMlEgEnD427/reddit

This will be very relatable for most avid fitness enthusiasts; it’s so tempting to check the mirror to see your muscles. Always painful when the light is at a bad angle and it seems like all your gains are gone.

#7: “Cardio?” No idea what that means

Source: Origym

We all know that cardio is good for us, but it’s just not fun. Most use the “cardio makes my muscles disappear” argument to avoid cardio.

#8: Respect the calluses on your hands

Source: officialgymmemes/Instagram

You can always see on someone’s hands how many hours they have made in the gym. Calluses on your hands may be annoying at first, but eventually, they will feel like a reward.

#9: “Do this and get a six-pack in a week!!!”

Source: Stayhipp

People who are just starting in the gym always expect to be muscular in no time. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. That is also the reason that the gyms are much quieter in December than in January.

#10: Why do some people have so many visible veins?

Source: Origym

Indeed, some people who go to the gym seem to have the goal of becoming a roadmap. There’s always someone in the gym who has so many visible veins it’s almost scary.

#11: What is a rest day?

Source: Nutritioneering

There is always someone who says that rest days are for weaklings. One way or another, they always have to make this clear to as many people as possible.

#12: Pizza is just part of my diet

Source: Origym

It is always tempting to adjust your diet to include something tasty. Often, on the other hand, it just doesn’t work out and you try to justify it with excuses.

#13: The first thing you do when you see people

Source: Pencil_of_Colour/Reddit

Why does it feel like an obligation to look at everyone’s physique everywhere? Always a good feeling when you are convinced that your physique is better.

#14: Fast quitters

Source: Know Your Meme

Taking people who have never been to the gym is usually not a great success. Most ask within 10 minutes how many exercises they still have to do.

#15: Go hard on scoops

Source: Origym

I don’t know anyone who takes or has taken scoops that have never exceeded the recommended amount. It’s too tempting to experiment.

#16: Getting huge … or not

Source: KindWall21/Instagram

We all know someone who strives to become as big as possible. Unfortunately, these are often people who spend more time in Macdonald’s than at the gym.

#17: The typical short dude

Source: gymmemesofficial/Instagram

Why is it always short dudes in the gym who walk so wide? Somewhat rightly so, because somehow their muscles always look gigantic.

#18: Using the gym as an excuse

Source: Latin American Post

Sometimes it feels good to use the gym as an escape route. Just pushing plates into the air without thinking about which deadlines you are missing.

#19: Ego booster

Source: Origym

Fantastic; using the weight of the person before you as a warm-up set. Sometimes it’s just necessary to boost your ego a bit.

#20: “I’m not helping at all!”

Source: gymmemez/Twitter

Ugh, people who use way too heavy weights and the spotter pulls half the weight up. It’s just frustrating to watch.

#21: The best room for fun

Source: Institute of Personal Trainers

The gym is THE place to enjoy yourself. You don’t have to think about the daily grind; just put your mind at 0 and enjoy a workout.

#22: No comment

Source: Xdpedia

Sometimes it’s pretty creepy, but in this case, it’s hard not to look at it. Look at it positively, women are often an extra source of motivation in the gym for men.

#23: The day after leg day is no party

Source: gymmemesofficial/Instagram

Good leg days never pay off the next day. Try to avoid climbing stairs as much as possible the next day.

#24: Social media

Source: Origym

Why do some people always have to proudly share it on social media when they hit the gym? Often these are people who have just started going to the gym.

#25: “Yes, I already see a lot of gains!”

Source: buzzfeedhealth/Instagram

Again, you won’t see results after a day. However, there are plenty of people who think otherwise.