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About me

we love simplicity

Sportunnel is about simplicity

My goal is to structure the articles on Sportunnel in such a way that it is understandable for everyone. An article must also be understandable for people who do not (yet) have much knowledge of the subject in question. In this way, everyone can take maximum advantage of the content, and hopefully, we can live a bit healthier together!

Blog Posts

Every 1 to 2 weeks I publish an article, and I always enjoy working on them. I hope the articles are of some use to you!

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If you have great topics for me to write an article about, please let me know! I’d like to hear from you!

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What I blog about

My Story

Hey, nice to meet you! My name is Bart, I study Human Movement Sciences in the Netherlands. It is my mission to educate people in the field of sports, nutrition, fitness, and supplements. In my blog, the emphasis is on running and other forms of cardio. I don’t know everything about it myself, but I’m learning :). In my daily life, I am very much concerned with healthy food and fitness. I try to live a healthy lifestyle, although now and then something unhealthy is not a bad thing of course. In addition, I run twice a week to keep my fitness up. So, now you know a little more about me. If you have any specific questions you can always contact me.