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Best Ab Workout At Home (No Equipment Needed)

Before we go into this amazing ab workout at home for your abs, we want to give a little disclaimer. If you’re here because you want a six pack in a couple of weeks, we’re sorry, that’s just not how it works. Many sites will promise you this, but all of these promises are just to get you to click on their site or video. It’s all about consistency.

From my personal experience I can say that when you eat healthy and do solid workouts on a consistent basis, you’re gonna achieve your goals. I hope this workout will take you one step further in this process.

Table of Contents

Important things about the workout:

The ab workout consists of 7 different exercises (8 if you have an ab roller). The goal is to take very short breaks between the different exercises, this is possible because the different exercises hit various parts of the abs.

In this article we will not give you the amount of repetitions for each exercise. This is something that is completely personal and you have to determine this for yourself (and hopefully you can increase this amount in the future).

My advice is to do this workout 3 times a week if you don’t do other exercises for your abs.

Exercise 1 – Knee crunches

The first exercise are knee crunches. In the video below you can see how the exercise is performed. From the starting position you will bring your upper body in the direction of your knees. After this you return to the starting position. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Don’t put your hands behind your head, put them on the side of your head instead.
  • Try to keep your legs in a bend of 90 degrees during the repetitions.
  • Try to keep your legs still during the repetitions.
  • A very difficult tip is to relax your neck during the repetitions, if the rest goes well try to focus on this.

Exercise 2 – Cross crunches

The second exercise are cross crunches. In the video below you can see how the exercise is performed. After an amount of repetitions you do this exercise to the other side. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Don’t put the arm that’s on your head behind your head, put it on the side of your head instead.
  • The position of the other arm is optional, you can position it the way you like.
  • The position of the legs is optional, you can position it the way you like as long as they are bent.
  • A very difficult tip is to relax your neck during the repetitions, if the rest goes well try to focus on this.

Exercise 3 – Leg raises

The third exercise are leg raises. In the video below you can see how this exercise is performed. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Try to bring your legs up just before they hit the ground, this ensures that there is always tension on your abs during the exercise.
  • You can keep your head on the ground during the exercise to stimulate relaxation in the neck.
  • Try to hold your legs completely straight.
  • If your legs make an angle of almost 90 degrees with your upper body you can bring your legs down.

Exercise 4 – Cycling cross crunches

The fourth exercise are cycling cross crunches. This is just like the cross crunches an exercise which you perform on two sides. In the video below you can see how this exercise is performed. Your starting position is the same as with the knee crunches. During the exercise, take turns bringing your elbows towards your knees. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Don’t put your hands behind your head, put them on the side of your head instead.
  • With your upper body you make the same movement as with the cross crunches.
  • Try to touch your knee with your elbow every time you perform a repetition.
  • Try to nearly fully extend the leg that is not going towards the elbow.

Exercise 5 – Flutter kicks

The fifth exercise are flutter kicks. You perform this exercise laying on your back with your hands under your butt. In this exercise you ‘flutter’ your legs by moving 1 leg up while moving the other leg down and so on. In the video below you can see how this exercise is performed. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Keep your legs straight during the exercise.
  • Don’t hit the floor with your legs, reverse the movement when your legs are close to the ground.
  • A big range of motion is not necessary for this exercise, the range of motion seen in the video is enough.

Exercise 6 – Heel touches

The sixth exercise are heel touches. In this exercise you touch your heels in turn. In the video below you can see how this exercise is performed. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Try to focus on the movement of your upper body, don’t focus to reach your heels by stretching your arms.
  • Don’t move your legs, keep them in the same place during the exercise.
  • A very difficult tip is to relax your neck during the repetitions, if the rest goes well try to focus on this.

Exercise 7 – Plank

The seventh exercise is the well-known plank. On the first sight this exercise looks really simple, there is no movement involved, just 1 position. Despite this, many people perform this exercise wrong. So here are some things that are important to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that your elbow rests on the floor at shoulder height.
  • The key for the plank is to keep your body straight, don’t rise your butt too high, this is the number 1 mistake with this exercise.
  • Try to focus on the tension of your abs, don’t put too much tension in your shoulders.

Exercise 8 (Bonus exercise) – Ab wheel rollout

For the eight exercise you need an ab roller, this is an extra exercise if you have this. In the video below you can see how this exercise is performed. Some things are important to keep in mind:

  • Don’t touch the ground with your abdomen, move back just before you hit the ground.
  • Keep your butt low during the exercise.
  • You can lay 1 leg over the other if you like this better.

If you read this complete article and tried the workout, thank you! We hope you liked it!